Isabelle Yee
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ma On Shan te maunga
I whanau mai ahau i Guangzhou
Ko Hongkong toku turangawaewae
Kei Rotorua ahau e noho ana
Ko Isabelle ahau
My name is Isabelle Yee and I am a President of Rotorua Chinese Community of Commerce. I moved New Zealand in 2003 and have been living in Rotorua for 12 years. I am very proud to be one of the executive board members of the Rotorua Chinese Community of Commerce (RCCC) since 2015.
I am a Chartered Accountant with my own independent practice. As part of my profession, my passion is to help clients to achieve goals. I am privileged to work with other local professionals to provide support for RCCC members. We continue to seek and provide business opportunities for our members, especially in these challenging times. We always promote new ideas and develop young leaders to future proof our community.