Fisher Wang


E ngā reo, e ngā mana, e ngā iwi, tēnā koutou katoa.

Ko Fisher Wang tōku ingoa. 

I am a proud Rotorua local, born and bred, where I grew up on a farm in Kaharoa. 

In 2019 I was elected on to the Rotorua Lakes District Council as a Councillor where I hold the role of Cultural Ambassador and lead the portfolios of Environment/Sustainability, Rural, Climate Change & Youth, I am also on the Rotorua Rural Community Board.

I proudly serve on the Board of Trustees for Rotorua Community Youth Centre Trust, Rotorua Sustainable Charter and Life Education Trust Rotorua and volunteer on many more local organisations.

I am very enthusiastic about our local community and connecting our local businesses to the wider rohe, to support innovation and to ensure our community & businesses are future ready.

We are stronger because of we are diverse.